Glenn DiNicola
Lighting Design and Video Production

Dec 14, 2010

Payback is here!

After more then three months of writing, scouting, shooting, re-shooting, editing and seemingly endless problem solving, "Payback" is finally done! It premiered at the film night last week, and now it is online for everyone to enjoy. Be sure to watch in 720p HD if you have the bandwidth.

If you have any comments let me know. Thanks!


Dec 10, 2010

Film Night Success

The WSC Student Film Night went off with out a hitch tonight! We screened the work in progress of UCLA film M.F.A candidate and WSC alumni Tory Maurer. We then premiered the five student films from the narrative production class, including "Payback" as well as my short film "The Rememberer". People seemed to like both of my films, people laughed at the right times in "Payback" which is great.

I am currently uploading an HD version of "The Rememberer" (to be returned to its post below) and I will upload an HD version of "Payback" very soon. Thank you for you interest in my films, I hope you enjoy them.


Dec 1, 2010

Student Film Night (again)

My short film "The Rememberer" (featured below) was just accepted into Western State College's Student Film Night along with the comedy I shot; "Payback".

Come out on Thursday December 9th at 7pm for a free ticket to see my latest work, as well as that of friends of mine in the program. In the Prosser Theater Gunnison, CO.
