Glenn DiNicola
Lighting Design and Video Production

Mar 15, 2011

First Video From Korea

Hey everyone, I just finished editing my first video from Korea. The group I'm with did a weekend trip to Busan, in Southern Korea. Here it is:

Busan Directors Cut from Glenn DiNicola on Vimeo.
A weekend in Busan, South Korea with Asialearn study abroad.


Mar 8, 2011

Currently in Asia

Hey everyone, I am currently in South Korea! I will be here until early July. I am watching Korean shows and dances and of course movies and TV. They really are good with lighting so far. The dance show I saw last week had some impressive use of color. The LD washed the cyc with two different colors, one from the top and one from the bottom. I would like to try that on my next dance show.

While in Korea I would love to do some film or theatre work. If you see this and have a shoot in Korea soon, please send me an email. Seoul really is an amazing city, and the whole country is fantastic. I am learning more Korean everyday, and feel perfectly comfortable moving around the city.

I hope you keep checking back here, I will try to update you on any more interesting film or theatre related things I see or experience. And of course I will be putting together some traveling videos for you to see.

Happy creating!
