Glenn DiNicola
Lighting Design and Video Production

Mar 15, 2011

First Video From Korea

Hey everyone, I just finished editing my first video from Korea. The group I'm with did a weekend trip to Busan, in Southern Korea. Here it is:

Busan Directors Cut from Glenn DiNicola on Vimeo.
A weekend in Busan, South Korea with Asialearn study abroad.


Mar 8, 2011

Currently in Asia

Hey everyone, I am currently in South Korea! I will be here until early July. I am watching Korean shows and dances and of course movies and TV. They really are good with lighting so far. The dance show I saw last week had some impressive use of color. The LD washed the cyc with two different colors, one from the top and one from the bottom. I would like to try that on my next dance show.

While in Korea I would love to do some film or theatre work. If you see this and have a shoot in Korea soon, please send me an email. Seoul really is an amazing city, and the whole country is fantastic. I am learning more Korean everyday, and feel perfectly comfortable moving around the city.

I hope you keep checking back here, I will try to update you on any more interesting film or theatre related things I see or experience. And of course I will be putting together some traveling videos for you to see.

Happy creating!


Jan 24, 2011

"Worst Friends" Screening

Last Thursday I was invited to go to a screening of the film "Worst Friends". It was shot last summer and DP'd by my friend Vince Peone. It was a really great experience. We were in the ball room of a very fancy Manhattan hotel called the Maritime Hotel. There was a literal velvet rope and a bouncer with a list out front. The ballroom had a bar looking over it, and was chinese themed. Paper lanterns and dragon heads.

After the screening it was a party. Vince took me around and introduced me to lots of cool people. He introduced me as "a young film maker doing his thing", which I think is my favorite introduction yet. He said he is trying to get me on his set at College Humor before I leave the city. Can't wait!

It was a fantastic night, if you ever get the chance, I highly recommend seeing the film!


Jan 19, 2011

Sodexo Spirit Video

I shot this with Jack Lucido for the Rare Air Cafe in Gunnison Colorado. It is being entered in the national Sodexo video competition. We shot in the cafe for three days, and one day in the studio.   
