Glenn DiNicola
Lighting Design and Video Production

May 26, 2010

Quick Bio of shows I've worked on

All of the theatrical shows I've been part of, starting at the most recent and going back to High School.

As a Lighting Designer at Western State College:

Aloha say the pretty girls, Arts Center Dance Showcase, Eurydice, School for Husbands, One Act Plays.

At Upper Arlington High School:

Lighting Design- Who Do You Think You Are?
Stage Management- Jekyll and Hyde
Run Crew- Beauty and the Beast, Thoroughly Modern Milli, member of Auditorium Event Run Crew (flight deck boss/ electrician). 

Acting (to gain perspective):
The Burial at Thebes, 24 Hour Play Festival, The Laramie Project

My Background

I was born on April 28th, 1990 in Columbus, Ohio. I grew up in Upper Arlington, Ohio a suburb of Columbus. I started doing technical theatre in 6th grade at Jones Middle School when I was 11 years old.. I have been working in theatre since then. My High School (Upper Arlington High School) had a very developed theatre program, which focused around a large scale musical every year. I worked on this production for three of my four years in High School and in my senior year I was selected to be the Stage Manager/ Student Technical Director for the schools production of Jekyll and Hyde. This production won USA Today's Top 5 High School Musicals of the Year Nationwide.

After I graduated from UAHS in 2008, I traveled to Gunnison Colorado on the western slope of Colorado where I began attending Western State College of Colorado or WSC. At the end of my freshman year I applied and was selected as an RA, or Resident Advisor for the 2009-2010 school year. This position involved large amounts of responsibility, time management, people management and work ethic.

At the end of the 2009-2010 school year I had been selected as an intern at DuArt in New York City. DuArt is a post-production house that works with film, video and sound. That is where I will be working for the 2010 summer.

Thanks for reading! 

My Experience (briefly)


My name is Glenn DiNicola. I am a student in Lighting Design and Cinematography. I currently attend Western State College of Colorado in Gunnison, Colorado. I am the head lighting designer at my school. I have designed four full scale shows in my two years at college.

My major is titled "Communication and Theatre" but my emphasis is in Film and Video Production. I have edited a few videos using Final Cut Pro. The most significant of these is called Waiting. I did most of the camera work, and all of the editing for Waiting along with working with the writer to make sure that my vision matched with hers.  You can view my personal YouTube page here and watch many of my videos.

Or, you can watch Waiting here

I hope to work with you in the future!

Happy creating!

-Glenn DiNicola