Glenn DiNicola
Lighting Design and Video Production

Dec 14, 2010

Payback is here!

After more then three months of writing, scouting, shooting, re-shooting, editing and seemingly endless problem solving, "Payback" is finally done! It premiered at the film night last week, and now it is online for everyone to enjoy. Be sure to watch in 720p HD if you have the bandwidth.

If you have any comments let me know. Thanks!


Dec 10, 2010

Film Night Success

The WSC Student Film Night went off with out a hitch tonight! We screened the work in progress of UCLA film M.F.A candidate and WSC alumni Tory Maurer. We then premiered the five student films from the narrative production class, including "Payback" as well as my short film "The Rememberer". People seemed to like both of my films, people laughed at the right times in "Payback" which is great.

I am currently uploading an HD version of "The Rememberer" (to be returned to its post below) and I will upload an HD version of "Payback" very soon. Thank you for you interest in my films, I hope you enjoy them.


Dec 1, 2010

Student Film Night (again)

My short film "The Rememberer" (featured below) was just accepted into Western State College's Student Film Night along with the comedy I shot; "Payback".

Come out on Thursday December 9th at 7pm for a free ticket to see my latest work, as well as that of friends of mine in the program. In the Prosser Theater Gunnison, CO.


Nov 23, 2010

MIDI light show

   Last week I had the pleasure of designing and programming a midi controlled light show. I programmed cues on my theaters ETC Expression and controlled the light board with Qlab, running on my macbook. I used 10 LED parcans, 7 source four's, and 2 Technobeam moving lights. The music is a mash up I made starting with "Soul Makossa" by Afrika Bambaataa, then "Acid 8000" by Fatboy Slim, finishing with "I Can Do Anything" by 3OH!3.

I didn't quite have time to do everything I wanted to, programming wise, because I was crunched for time. But over all I learned a lot about midi and using it to control the light board. I look forward to using midi in future shows, I think this or especially toned down versions of this can have useful applications when it comes to precise cueing on stage.


The Rememberer

   I just finished a small project shooting and editing an intro clip for a play a friend of mine is directing. It is supposed to look like home videos of a couple falling in love. I'm very happy with my lighting. We shot at magic hour and used a flex-fill for some of the shots. The play this video is for opens on Dec. 2nd in Gunnison, CO and is called "The Rememberer".

The story line of the play is that the man losses his memory to a sickness, and his wife has to rememberer everything for him, including their love for each other.    


Kennedy Center Award for Lighting Design

I recently was awarded a Meritorious Achievement Award from the Kennedy Center's American College Theatre Festival for my lighting design of "Resilience". Two adjudicators came and watched the show, and decided to award me this honor.

My design for "Resilience" is still going to Humbolt, California in February to compete for the even higher honor of KCACTF Region VII Finalist.


Nov 1, 2010

Film Festival and "Payback"

The student film night and premiere of the short comedy film "Payback" (of which I am the DP) is to take place on Thursday December 9th at 7pm at the Prosser Theater in Western State's College Center. It will premiere with four other student films from my class, as well as some other assorted work from the Gunnison Valley. 

Come out and support WSC film, its FREE and a great time!


'Resilience" New Play Lighting Design

   The original play "Resilience" opened this weekend. I had the privilege of being the lighting designer for this new play. The show is based around the theme of sustainability and (naturally) resilience. Not only sustainability in our environment, but sustainability and resilience in our relationships as well. Relationships such as lovers, friends, brother/sister and even co-workers. 

   The play was adjudicated by two members of KCACTF (the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival) for consideration for entry into the annual region 7 KCACTF festival in Humbolt, CA. After the performance the cast/crew and design team sat down with the adjudicators and they gave us their impressions and thoughts about our work.

   Over all, they seemed to like the show. They really enjoyed the sustainability of relationships theme. They talked mostly about the acting, and the script, since it was a new piece, written by our director and workshopped by the cast. However, they did say about my lighting "it was really good"! They enjoyed most two scenes, both taking place in a mountain cabin. The first one taking place at sunset. I used two fresnel scrollers, two LED pars and a source four with a window gobo to create the effect of a sunset. The cues lasted a total of 8 minutes (the scene was about 8:30. The colors went from a orange-red, through deep red, to purple and blue. When our stage manager mentioned to the adjudicators during the session that that scene was set during a sunset, one said, "oh yeah, I defiantly got that".

   The other cabin scene they liked was set in the middle of the night. The characters are talking about how one of them is scared of the wildlife around them, then they talk about how she is scared of losing their relationship. To accent their discussion, and maintain the effect of night time in the woods, I created a moonlight through the trees effect; using six Source Four 26's and three different foliage break-up patterns from side booms. The only light on stage was from those six instruments. The patterns played on their faces through out the scene. This gave the scared character something to be scared of, and it made the whole scene feel like a midnight in the woods.

   KCACTF should be letting us know in the next couple weeks if we get to travel the show to Humbolt; and gain and the prestige of preforming the show (lights, set and all) and the region 7 conference in February! I'll keep you posted on that decision as I learn more.

Photos- top to bottom: 
The final rehearsal with the light board out in the house, coffee shop, act I.
The sunset scene in the cabin, act I. 
The midnight scene in the cabin, act II.


Oct 12, 2010

"Payback" shooting

Last weekend was the first weekend of shooting for my school film for this semester called "Payback". I am the DP, so I'm having a great time utilizing all of the knowledge I picked up this summer on the set in NYC. I'm really trying to get a great image, and so far I have been happy with many of my shots.

We're planning on one more weekend soon to finish up principle photography, then we'll have a month in post to have it ready for the student film festival on December 9th.

Keep posted for more updates and a link to the final picture (after the premier). For now enjoy this picture from the set!


Aug 20, 2010

Successful Summer 2010

This summer I went to New York City and worked as an intern at DuArt Film & Video in Midtown Manhattan. As an intern I had the amazing opportunity to not only experience how a major post-production house operates, but I was able to get into it and get my hands dirty with real editing and work with the sound department. I was given the task of creating one minute marketing reels that showed off as much of the wonderful work that has happened at DuArt in recent years as possible. This involved many hours editing with Final Cut Pro, as well as ingesting footage from (most often) digi-beta decks.
In addition to editing reels, at DuArt I worked with producers finding time-code cues to be used in dubbing recording sessions. I was also able to sit in and question directors, actors, producers and mixers as they did cartoon dubbing work.

Outside of this internship I had the amazing opportunity to work as a grip/PA on the set of a pilot episode of a new series called Sleepwalkers. This was a multi-day shoot utilizing the RED camera and was a fully professional operation. I learned and honed so many on-set skills, I can not wait to use them again on more professional sets.

As for the future, I was asked to work with College Humor next summer as an intern on set. I also hope to work on more TV shows and hopefully feature films in NYC.

For now back to school to learn even more!

Jul 4, 2010


Take a look around by clicking on the tabs at the top of the page.

May 26, 2010

Quick Bio of shows I've worked on

All of the theatrical shows I've been part of, starting at the most recent and going back to High School.

As a Lighting Designer at Western State College:

Aloha say the pretty girls, Arts Center Dance Showcase, Eurydice, School for Husbands, One Act Plays.

At Upper Arlington High School:

Lighting Design- Who Do You Think You Are?
Stage Management- Jekyll and Hyde
Run Crew- Beauty and the Beast, Thoroughly Modern Milli, member of Auditorium Event Run Crew (flight deck boss/ electrician). 

Acting (to gain perspective):
The Burial at Thebes, 24 Hour Play Festival, The Laramie Project

My Background

I was born on April 28th, 1990 in Columbus, Ohio. I grew up in Upper Arlington, Ohio a suburb of Columbus. I started doing technical theatre in 6th grade at Jones Middle School when I was 11 years old.. I have been working in theatre since then. My High School (Upper Arlington High School) had a very developed theatre program, which focused around a large scale musical every year. I worked on this production for three of my four years in High School and in my senior year I was selected to be the Stage Manager/ Student Technical Director for the schools production of Jekyll and Hyde. This production won USA Today's Top 5 High School Musicals of the Year Nationwide.

After I graduated from UAHS in 2008, I traveled to Gunnison Colorado on the western slope of Colorado where I began attending Western State College of Colorado or WSC. At the end of my freshman year I applied and was selected as an RA, or Resident Advisor for the 2009-2010 school year. This position involved large amounts of responsibility, time management, people management and work ethic.

At the end of the 2009-2010 school year I had been selected as an intern at DuArt in New York City. DuArt is a post-production house that works with film, video and sound. That is where I will be working for the 2010 summer.

Thanks for reading! 

My Experience (briefly)


My name is Glenn DiNicola. I am a student in Lighting Design and Cinematography. I currently attend Western State College of Colorado in Gunnison, Colorado. I am the head lighting designer at my school. I have designed four full scale shows in my two years at college.

My major is titled "Communication and Theatre" but my emphasis is in Film and Video Production. I have edited a few videos using Final Cut Pro. The most significant of these is called Waiting. I did most of the camera work, and all of the editing for Waiting along with working with the writer to make sure that my vision matched with hers.  You can view my personal YouTube page here and watch many of my videos.

Or, you can watch Waiting here

I hope to work with you in the future!

Happy creating!

-Glenn DiNicola